I recently passed Security Blue team level 1 exam. I got a free voucher from Security Blue Team booth at BSides London 2023, and been wanting to do this exam for a while. I found the course pretty fun and the course taught be a lot of foundational knowledge for blue team that I enjoyed.
I found the following free labs very useful to further my knowledge and prepare for the exam. Studying the below will easily get you more than 90% on the exam.
TryHackMe Labs
Forensic Imaging
- Forensic Imaging (optional)
FTK Imager
Digital Forensics
- Intro to Cold System Forensics (optional)
Registry Forensics
Memory Forensics
Other Writeups & Labs
- BTLO Forensics Challenge - Employee of the Year (Linux Forensics)
- BTLO Write-Up: Pretium (Wireshark)
- Investigating Windows 3 (optional, advanced)
- BTLO Writeups Collection
- BTLO Write-Up: Miner (Network Miner, Wireshark)
- BTLO Write-Up: Ghosted (Wireshark)
- BTLO Write-Up: Evil Maid (Autopsy)
- BTLO Write-Up: Total Recall (Event Logs)
- BTLO Write-Up: The Last Jedi (Redline)
- BTLO Write-Up: Poor Joe (Volatility)
BTLO Labs (Free)
- Piggy
- Deep Blue
- Anakus
- Foxy
- Network Analysis - Ransomware
- Network Analysis - Webshell
- Network Analysis - Malware Compromise
- Phishing Analysis 1
- Phishing Analysis 2
- Countdown
- Swift
- Haunted
- Cerulean
BTLO Pro Labs Walkthroughs
BTLO also have paid labs. I didn’t do the below but I watched the walkthrough for these labs.
- Vortex - Walkthrough
- Vault - No walkthrough found
- Splunk IT - No walkthrough found
- Attacks - No walkthrough found
- Deep Phish - No walkthrough found
- Blocker - No walkthrough found
- Indicators - No walkthrough found
- Print - No walkthrough found
- Spilled Bucket - No walkthrough found
- Steam - No walkthrough found
- Backstage - Walkthrough
- Sam - Retired - YouTube
- Miner - Retired - YouTube
- Sticky Situation - Retired - YouTube,Write-up
- Pretium - Retired - YouTube
- Winter Stew - Retired - YouTube
- Countdown - Retired - YouTube
- Sukana - Retired - YouTube
- Drilldown - YouTube
Splunk Free Practice
- https://samsclass.info/50/proj/botsv1.htm
Splunk Documentation
- https://www.securityblue.team/blog/posts/splunk-guide-to-easy-log-analysis
- https://bots.splunk.com/login?redirect=%2F
- https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/SplunkCloud/latest/SearchTutorial/WelcometotheSearchTutorial
Cheat Sheets
- https://blog.onfvp.com/post/volatility-cheatsheet/
- https://attack.mitre.org/matrices/enterprise/
- https://github.com/snoopysecurity/Public/blob/master/cheatsheets/blue-team-level1.md