Home ADempiere Unsafe Deserialization to Code Execution

ADempiere Unsafe Deserialization to Code Execution


Deserializing user-controlled object streams at runtime can allow attackers to execute arbitrary code on the server, abuse application logic, and/or lead to denial of service

Java serialization turns object graphs into byte streams containing the objects themselves and the necessary metadata to reconstruct them from the byte stream. Developers can create custom code to aid in the process of deserializing Java objects, where they may even replace the deserialized objects with different objects, or proxies. The customized deserialization process takes place during objects reconstruction before the objects are returned to the application and cast into expected types. By the time developers try to enforce an expected type, code may have already been executed.

Adempiere is vulnerable to unauthenticated Java Deserialization which can result in code execution.

Technical Details - Analysis

Within Adempiere, an unauthenticated deserialization vulnerability exists within MIssue.java. The create method within MIssue.java is used to create and report issue, and the Java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject() method is used to achieve this without any validation or whitelisting of classes from the datastream.

This method is used by IssueReportServlet which takes a user parameter called ISSUE can contain serialized data within ASCII hex encoding.

This issuestring data is then sent to the create method for deserialization.

Technical Details - Exploitation

This can be leveraged by an attacker for code execution through unsafe deserialization. The following libraries are used by Adempire for various tasks within the project, and as such are availiable within the Java runtime’s classpath.

ysoserial is used to speed up the exploitation process and generate a gadget chain that can be used to execute arbritary code on a machine using Adempire. java -jar ysoserial-0.0.6-SNAPSHOT-all.jar CommonsBeanutils1 "touch /tmp/test.txt" | xxd

This serialized object can now be sent as a parameter to the application to create a file called test.txt under the tmp directory.


The created file can be seen below.

Multiple other vulnerabilities also exist within ADempierie.

Cross-Site Scripting

It is possible to inject malicious JavaScript into the name parameter of a user profile.

This will stored within the application, and is returned back within the wstore java servlet. An example of this can be seen below.

Command Injection (Windows Only)

A command injection vulnerability exists when attachments are opened with a malicious filename under the windows environment.

The filename parameter being concatenated can be seen below.

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