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Chef Yaml Deserialization Vulnerability

YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a popular data serialization format used in many programming languages, including Ruby. Insecure deserialization is a security vulnerability that occurs when an...

Common SAML vulnerabilities and how to remediate them

This blog aims to give a short overview of popular SAML vulnerabilities and how they can be remediated with some examples: https://snyk.io/blog/common-saml-vulnerabilities-remediate/

Swift Deserialization Security primer

NScoding and NSSecureCoding code related issues are often interesting to review and find. Some work I did regarding this can be found here: https://snyk.io/blog/swift-deserialization-security-primer/

Avoiding SMTP Injection: A Whitebox primer

SMTP Injection can often be interesting vulnerability to code review and find. Some work I did regarding this can be found here: https://snyk.io/blog/avoiding-smtp-injection/ The following vulnera...

Improving GraphQL security with static analysis

GraphQL frameworks can often be interesting to code review, and often most static analysis tools don’t support them. Some work I did regarding this can be found here: https://snyk.io/blog/graphql-s...

rs-async-zip Zip Path Traversal (Zip Slip)

Introduction rs-async-zip is a asynchronous ZIP archive reading/writing crate with a heavy focus on streaming support. This package is vulnerable to Zip Traversal (Zip Slip). Note: This issue was...

Joern Cheat Sheet

Joern Notes Joern is a static analyzer that can be used to create code property graphs and query them fairly easy. This is good alternative to CodeQL since analyzing with Joern doesn’t require you...

Exploit Education - Phoenix Notes

Exploit Education Notes The image can be downloaded from https://exploit.education/phoenix/, and can be extracted and executed using tar xJf exploit-education-phoenix-amd64-v1.0.0-alpha-3.tar.xz ...

SuiteCRM - Phar Deserialization to Code Execution

This is a copy of a blog which i recently published on Snyk: https://snyk.io/blog/suitecrm-phar-deserialization-vulnerability-to-code-execution/ Introduction uiteCRM is a free and open source Cus...

Fuzzing with Go-Fuzz

Fuzzing can often be a very useful technical for finding bugs. Go-fuzz is a coverage-guided fuzzing solution for testing of Go packages. go-fuzz. This blog post will walk you through how to use it ...